Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Week One of New Transfer

Oi familia, amigos. 

Tudo bem!? 
Things here in Brazil are good. It is raining a lot. Our river literally rose five feet this week, in like two days (I had a way to measure it this time) and then it went back down pretty quickly. 

I have never been so tired in my life as I have been this week. We have walked and walked and walked and not found a whole lot of people in their houses to teach, but that´s the life of a missionary. I go to sleep exhausted and wake up tired and sore, but make it through every day with the help of the Lord. And we are trying to teach all the people that two companionships had, so there's a lot of people and a lot of walking. 

My Comps with our area behind us
This week we taught Vera again. We taught her about the apostasy and the Restoration through Joseph Smith. She told us she still hasn´t opened the Book of Mormon. She had a lot of doubts about it, so we explained it and tried to answer her questions. She said she would read it so I am praying she does! And then she was at Church Sunday. Miracles happen, guys. I explained to her what testimony meeting was (in Portuguese, without help-that was the first miracle) and SHE BORE HER TESTIMONY!!!!!!!! :) She is amazing! She said she hopes that she can be in Church every Sunday! And she talked about how much she has seen a difference in her life because of the things she has changed already that Sister Rosa and I taught her about! 

More miracles this week- Portuguese clicked somehow more than it has before. I was speaking quickly, holding conversations with Brazilians without any help or translation, I participated in Gospel Principles willingly, and then I bore my testimony in Sacrament meeting. Portuguese is coming along! Miracles happen! And our new district leader asked me to talk about President´s email in District meeting and I was able to say everything I wanted to faster than I thought I´d be able to. 

Valquiria wasn´t baptized this week. We went and talked to her about the baptismal questions and she had some problems with some of them. We are hoping that she´ll accept the invitation for a month, but she had told us she wanted to wait a year. 

We had two more investigators at church, Claudia and Jucemar. That was awesome! They came to conference too. We need Jucemar´s help to get Claudia to progress. Claudia´s son, Luan was baptized the transfer before I arrived here and he´s going on a mission next year! 

We got a new district, which was really sad. 

This is my new district
Sister Vera bought us all Jacob's hot dogs our last night together

Jacob's is a hot dog truck.  They are huge hot dogs and SO GOOD!

We have two new Sisters living with us, Sis Fávero and Vera were transferred--we all cried saying goodbye. So the two new sisters and two new elders are in our district. It´s hard cuz I miss my old district but I think this new district will help me learn Portuguese more quickly. 

Well, don´t really have much going on here right now. Same schedule, same things. But love you all! And hope things are going well for you! 
Sister Wilkins
Look Dad, Ferris Bueller's house!

I cleaned the shower last week. Left some cleaner to get rid of some bugs that kept coming out of the walls ( I had sent about 50 down the drain) and then came back a couple hours later to find this. 
All the black spots are larvae. Ewwww

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